Thursday, January 9, 2014

I am a Christian! Living A Christian Life

I was having a conversation with a colleague at work and it came to a point where in he accused me of lying.  I got so mad and said, "You're calling me a liar?  Why would I lie?  I'm a Christian!  I don't lie!"  After saying that, I felt I have just said the biggest lie of all.  That is the most shameful way of declaring I'm a Christian.

So much for being a perfect Christian…. I'm quite sure if I am standing in front of a judge he would call out and say "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!"  Not only for lying but among other sins as well.

But what is to live a life of a Christian?  

To an unbeliever, most would always assume we are to be pious, to act perfectly, not to commit any of the deadly sins.  Don't drink, don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, don't swear, don't covet, don't commit adultery, don't have sex before marriage. There are so many rules!!! The list will just go on and on. For most Christians it is probably true.  We always tend to watch where we step and want to be careful around unbelievers.  Not to let it slip that we committed a sin. Sounds familiar?

What is to truly live a Christian life?

Living a life following all these rules thinking that we have to do good deeds and because we have to is not living a Christian life.  These are actions that can turn meaningless.  I regret getting angry at my colleague's accusation, more so of my actions and words.  I do not feel like a Christian at all and I want my actions to be justified.  I was self righteous and claiming Christianity is the reason why I don't sin.  

We still do sin, for we are still on this earth.  But to live a Christian life is to live for Christ.  Our life is not our own, nor our actions should be for our own righteousness.  And having anger in my heart toward my colleague is the same as committing murder.  I confessed my actions to another colleague who happens to be a Christian and he did agree with me that it is not a good testimony of being a Christian.

How do we live a life for Christ?

I was reading the a book by Francis Chan called "Crazy Love".  He wrote "Following Christ isn't something to be done halfheartedly or on the side.  it is not a LABEL we can display when it is useful.  It must be central to everything we do and are."

When I said "I am a Christian"  I was using my religion as my label.  We are called to live a life, a Christ-like life so that we may proclaim and glorify God!  If I were to look and examine my life, I would be so ashamed.  I wouldn't even want to be kneeling in front of God because my life is not centered to him.  I know for the fact that I am not worthy.  How hopeless does that sound?  My good works, good deeds, cannot compare to God's holiness?  My love for God is dismal in comparison to His love for us.

There's one verse that pull my guts and something I should be reflecting on so  often:  

"You my brothers, were called to be FREE. But do not use your freedom to INDULGE the SINFUL NATURE; rather, serve one another in LOVE.  The entire law is summed up in  single command: "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF."  - Galatians 5:13-14

Yes we are free from our bondage in sin.  We are free because God saved us. And how do we repay Him?  Do we repay Him with love?  Do we show love to others as well?  God wants us to love one another, as well as loving Him with all our mind, all our heart, all our soul and all our strength.

Loving God…. Loving our neighbors.  What is Love?  Love is patient, love is kind, it is forgiving, it does not envy nor boast, it is not easily angered, it does not rejoice in wrong doing, it rejoices in truth.  Love bears all things, believes in all things, hopes all things, endures all thing.  Love never ends.  It never fails.  The whole bible itself is all about Love!  Just think about it, love is patient… I am the least patient of all women.  I don't think I would be hearing someone calling me "Bernice is patient, Bernice is kind, etc." It would be an outright lie!  Just ask my siblings, they say my temper is like a volcano, it just explodes without any warning.  I can even think of all the unkind thoughts I have in mind and it doesn't feel so good at all.

We Cannot live a Christian Life without Christ

To love such a love is impossible without Christ.  Imagine having to love the person you hate most on earth.  Imagine if you have to kiss and wash the feet of the person whom you know would  be your murderer.  Christ has shown love to Judas despite knowing that Judas would betray Him.  He loved Peter even he knew Peter would betray him.  He asked for forgiveness for the people who tortured and crucified Him.  Jesus Christ did the ultimate act of love by taking all of our sin and dying on the cross for us.  And to life a Christian life is impossible without Christ.  As it is written in Philippians, "I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me."  All things… I could guess that includes love as well.  Imagine changing those words "do all things"… "I can love my neighbors through Christ who strengthens me."  "I can love God through Christ who strengthens me."  "I can love my enemies through Christ who strengthens me."  Imagine what all we can do through Christ who strengthens us?

Christ died for us so that we may reconcile with God.  Christ defeated death so that we may be free.  Christ is the only one who can give us strength to love so that we may show love to others and to be a living testimony of His love for us.  I know that there will be days that I might sin, that I might fail God.  But God's love for us will never fail.  And I know I can always turn back to God, and He will continue to love me unconditionally.

So what is to be a Christian?

I am a Christian!  
I know I am not talking about the label.  
I am a Christian because I believed Christ died and freed me from my sins.  
I am a Christian and I know I am loved far more beyond anything I can imagine.    
I am a Christian because CHRIST IS IN ME and I am HIS. 
I am a Christian and I would love to show you the same love Christ has shown me because He loves you too.

Lord, thank you for Your love, for loving us, for sending your Son to die on the cross for us.  We do not deserve Your love.  But yet You love us.  Lord, help us to love You more.  To live a life loving You and showing others the same love You have shown us.  Teach us to love.  Teach us to live a Christian life so that we may be a living testimony of Your love.  We know we cannot do this without You.  Amen.

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