Friday, February 28, 2014

Farewell My Friend. I'll See You at the Pearly Gates

I met Shin a few months ago when I first started attending CBCWLA Baptist Church.  He's a very outspoken old Japanese guy who likes to share stories and his experiences in life, his faith and his beliefs during our bible study group.  He has a sharp mind and knows how to tell his stories well.

Shin, from the stories I've heard from a lot of people at church, is such a character.  I've heard of his temper, his stubbornness, his pride, but despite that, he was a testimony of how God can change one's heart by just looking at his life.  What struck me the most upon meeting him was his unwavering faith in God during his last few months of his life.

The time that I knew him, we (our bible study group and the church as well) have been praying for him.  And every prayer we asked for, God answered with a miracle.  I saw God doing miracles in Shin's life which served as a reminder for me to trust God more.  God answered our prayers for his health, his hospice care, the bills and even the extension of his stay at the hospice.  Every answer was a miracle. Every miracle testifies to God's power.

Shin's sickness wasn't an easy one.  Doctors said that it will be a slow and painful one.  His tumors grew and his mental functions started to disintegrate. He can barely walk and I knew that he suffers. 

I remember the last conversation with Shin. He asked me, "Why can't I just be like a bird and fly away?" And what I replied to him was, "In God's time.  He is not done with you yet."  And I guess that God has some purpose why.  Why He decided to take Shin away today of all days.

During the prayer time of our bible study this evening, we included Shin in our prayers.  It was being discussed whether someone should pick him up for church this sunday or if it's not a good idea. Then  someone prayed that Shin may go peacefully and that once he closes his eyes, he will open in and be in God's presence.  And I was imagining what it's going to be like for Shin when that happens.

And I cannot fathom how amazing God is.  God is still using Shin's life to be a testimony to us of His power and love.  Shin passed away this evening after our bible study group meeting.  God answered our prayers for Shin's peaceful sleep, that when Shin opens his eyes, he will be in the presence of God.  Knowing that, my heart is filled with joy and gladness rather than sadness because I know that my friend is with God and we will see each other again.  I am thankful that God gave me the opportunity to meet Shin on the last days of his life, and using Shin's life mightily to be a testimony to others.

Farewell Shin, my friend, my brother.  Thank you for sharing your life, thank you for being a blessing to me and to others.  Thank you letting you life be used by God as a testimony.  I know you are at peace with God.  You have run the race, you have your prize.  And I'll see you at the pearly gates of heaven.

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